Best way to prevent spinal injury in elderly is to remain active

Best way to prevent spinal injury in elderly is to remain active

A recent study by Johns Hopkins university in America revealed that falls are the cause of over 40% of spinal injuries and that infants teenagers and over 65s are the most at risk. In addition 35% of brain injuries are caused by falls.

Elderly people face particular challenges and are at a greater risk of brain injury complications like bleeding on the brain after a fall. Dizziness, blood pressure issues, poor hand and foot co-ordination, multiple medications can all add to the risk of a fall for elderly people and this can lead to an understandable desire to limit levels of activity to the minimum.

But remaining active is actually often the very best way of avoiding a fall. Regular exercise, keeping your home clear of clutter and asking your doctor to review your medication to make sure they all interact well are all good ways to keep the risk of a fall low. Good lighting and making sure your vision is as good as possible are also very important.

If you are experiencing any issues with balance, co-ordination, dizziness or any other symptoms that affect your ability to remain active it is essential you contact your doctor’s surgery and discuss this with them.

School Rugby – Ban Tackles?

Should school Rugby be a contact sport?

Should tackles be banned from school rugby and the game changed to contactless Tag Rugby?

The debate is raging with both the Guardian and BBC giving extensive coverage in the last few days. Each side seems to have facts and figures to back up their argument:

Make School Rugby contactless

  • 63% of injuries in school rugby are from tackles.
  • 30% of school rugby players sustain one or more injuries.
  • Half of injured players need a month or more off school.
  • Children are not able to opt out of Rugby at school

Tag Rugby is unnecessary

  • There are more injuries in the playground.
  • If we ban contact rugby we’ll end up having no sport at all.
  • Great steps have been taken to make Rugby safer at school.
  • We need to ensure good quality training, not ban tackles.
  • If kids aren’t allowed to tackle until they’re 18 they will be even more dangerous when they start.

As Solicitors who specialise in cases of spinal injury we take this debate very seriously. There are enough examples of young lives changed forever after being injured on the Rugby field, whilst paralysis is a very rare potential outcome we have to ask if that level of risk can be justified in a junior sport.

One positive step would be to ensure that all school Rugby is voluntary and that parents can withdraw their child from this sport with no repercussions for the child.

This is clearly an important and difficult topic with strong views on each side. We’d love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

We are a back and spinal injury  specialist law firm. If you or a loved one has suffered a back or spinal ijnury you may be entitled to claim compensation for the injury and any consequential costs such as rehabilitation. You are welcome to contact us for a free, no obligation consultation. Please phone us on 0114 256 0111, or email us, or use the form on this page.


Group of Police Officers

Cannabis is Still Illegal

Is it legal to use cannabis for medical purposes in the UK?

The enormous publicity around medical cannabis over the last few months, has resulted in a great deal of confusion about the legality of using cannabis, especially for medicinal purposes.

With unfounded stories circulating that some police forces have made public declarations that people who grow or smoke small quantities are of no interest to them, and with arrests for possession of cannabis having dropped 46% since 2010, you might think that things had changed and it is now OK to use cannabis for medical purposes. 

The UK is the largest producer of legal cannabis in the world. 99 tonnes were produced in 2016 for medical and research purposes. This amounted to 44% of the world total. We also export 70% of the worlds’ legal cannabis. It might seem we approve of its production and turn a blind eye to possession. However, it is still illegal to for it to be supplied for medical purposes and it is also illegal to grow it for any purpose, including medical, without a license. In fact, cannabis has been and still is completely illegal in the UK since 1971.

This situation leads many sufferers to either buy cannabis on the street, and not know what they are taking, or grow it themselves and risk imprisonment of up to 14 years. But whatever the reason for taking cannabis the fact remains that it is an illegal class B drug and taking it, even for medicinal purposes, risks prosecution for a range of offences including possession and supply[1]

Is the law on medicinal cannabis in the UK going to change?

In July 2018 the government’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs said the rules should be changed so doctors have the option of prescribing cannabis-derived products for certain ailments.

Home Secretary Sajid Javid is reviewing the situation but it is crucial to understand that currently nothing has changed and the penalties against cannabis use and possession are the same as they were before public attention was brought to this confusing situation.

If you are in a position where you need to know the law and how it may apply to your situation you should seek advice from a qualified solicitor with expertise in this area.

Adam Law Solicitors can provide an initial free consultation to help you understand your situation and decide what steps you wish to take. Phone us on 0114 256 0111 or use the contact form on this page.

This article is based on articles published in the press and online. The contents of the article reflect those sources and cannot be taken as legal advice.

For further reading please see:

HMRC vigorously pursuing Furlough Fraud

Company director and accountant arrested over possible £70,000 furlough fraud

This was the headline in September and a stark reminder of the possible consequences of committing furlough fraud. The government, the civil service and the police are taking furlough fraud very seriously.

furlough fraud prosecution

Companies that fail to keep proper records are more liable for furlough fraud inspection

According to the BBC “HM Revenue and Customs, which administers the furlough scheme, has suggested that up to 10% of the money delivered by the scheme to mid-August – some £3.5bn – may have been paid out in fraud or error.”

National Audit office says the Furlough scheme is of deep concern to auditors

“If checks couldn’t be carried out before the money was released, they are being now. People who did commit fraud on these schemes can expect there’s a good chance that they will be detected and followed up and … the process of the law used as appropriate in those cases,” said Gareth Davies comptroller and auditor general at the National Audit Office.

Elsewhere in government the HMRC was reported to be investigating 27,000 ‘high-risk’ claims, whilst Gov minister Grant Shapps urged staff to report furlough fraud.

Extended furlough scheme has better fraud protection

Extension of Furlough arrangement through the winter until March 2021 is expected to spark further high risk claims. Whilst the revised Furlough fraud arrangements are designed to eliminate much of the fraud carried out in the first wave that doesn’t mean they are proof from further fraud.

You must act if you think you may be liable to the charge of furlough fraud

With such strong pursuit of anyone suspected of committing furlough fraud you cannot afford to let things lie. You should take qualified legal advice immediately. Penalties are severe and you need the best legal people possible. Adam Law Solicitors are financial fraud experts and will respond to any enquiry swiftly, ensuring you can mount the best defence possible, if that becomes necessary. Read more about Furlough Fraud and how we can help anyone worried about a possible prosecution here

Contact Adam Law Solicitors now

for immedaite expert advice

Phone us now on  0114 256 0111, or email us or use the form on this page.

Operation Venetic

Over 1,000 EncroChat arrests in UK

We offer EncroChat legal advice and representation. We are highly experienced Criminal Defence Lawyers with a proven track record of successful defences.

After a mass hack of EncroChat by police across Europe UK police have moved swiftly to arrest suspects. The hack netted over 20 million messages, and police are working their way these messages with the firm intention of making as many arrests as they can. It is estimated over 10,000 people in the UK used the EncroChat service.

Operation Venetic – UKs biggest ever crack down on organised crime

This is a huge operation with millions of pounds in cash and over two tonnes of drugs already seized in Operation Venetic, the UK’s biggest ever move against criminal networks. EncroChat, a secret messaging service, provided totally secure end to end encryption. This was widely understood to be used by criminals across the UK and Europe.

UK Police monitored EncroChat for months

Unknown to EncroChat users the police were monitoring messages for months before the service was shut down. This means they were able to amass huge amounts of incriminating evidence completely without the user’s knowledge.

NCA Director of Investigations Nikki Holland, said:

“The infiltration of this command and control communication platform for the UK’s criminal marketplace is like having an inside person in every top organised crime group in the country.

“This is the broadest and deepest ever UK operation into serious organised crime.

“The NCA is proud to have led the UK part of this operation, working in partnership with policing and other agencies. The results have been outstanding but this is just the start.

“A dedicated team of over 500 NCA officers has been working on Operation Venetic night and day, and thousands more across policing. And it’s all been made possible because of superb work with our international partners.

“Together we’ve protected the public by arresting middle-tier criminals and the kingpins, the so-called iconic untouchables who have evaded law enforcement for years, and now we have the evidence to prosecute them.

“The NCA plays a key role in international efforts to combat encrypted comms. I’d say to any criminal who uses an encrypted phone, you should be very, very worried.”

Get EncroChat legal advice now

If you have any reason to fear that you may be at risk of investigation or arrest as a result of Operation Venetic you should get expert advice now. You will need time to mount a strong defence, and this is best done before the police come calling. Contact us now for the very best legal advice.

Experienced successful criminal defence

Adam Law Solicitors are experts in criminal defence right across the board. We have successfully defended many clients. Many of these were for significant cases that achieved national recognition. We always find and mount the strongest defence possible and are determined in our pursuit of a successful result for our clients.

EncroChat concerns. Contact Adam Law Solicitors now

Phone us now on 0114 256 0111, or email us or use the form on this page.